Espresso Machines Sale – Choosing the Right Espresso Machine For Your Business
The espresso machine is a critical piece of equipment for any coffee shop or restaurant. The right machine can make a big difference in your profit and overall quality of drinks. There are many different espresso machines sale to choose from and it is important to know what type of machine you need based on how many drinks your business will be making each day, how much oversight you want over the brewing process and how well trained your staff is in using the machine.
One group espresso machines sale are ideal for small coffee shops with low daily volume. These compact machines come with a portafilter holder, commercial style steam knob and wand, PID temperature control and are easy to clean. They are also available with a built-in grinder which will save you space and time, but be aware that the grinds need to be fresh before each shot is pulled.
Savoring Savings: Finding Quality Used Espresso Machines for Your Home or Café
For medium to large volume coffee shops, a two or more group machine is a better option. These machines offer higher brew output and often have multiple boilers for maximum temperature stability. These larger models also have features such as programmable settings, automatic milk foaming, insulated boilers, and non-compression steam wands.
In addition to determining what type of espresso machine you need, you should think about color and aesthetics as well. Most espresso machines are offered in a variety of finishes including chrome which offers a sleek, modern look that will blend seamlessly with any decor.